

The Baptist Standard Bearer, Inc., is committed to the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the exalted Lord of all things. We believe His view of Holy Scripture determines the view of all those who profess Him as Saviour and Lord. Hence, our organization believes the Bible is the verbally inspired, inerrant and authoritative Word of God, the final rule of all Christian faith and practice. Even though we don’t recognize any creed or confession of faith as a final authority, our organization does distribute the Baptist Confessions of Faith of 1644 and 1677 (i.e., the 1st and 2nd London Confessions of Faith) as summarized statements of our basic doctrinal and practical beliefs.

The Baptist Standard Bearer, Inc., predominantly publishes material that focuses upon the identity, history and theology of the evangelical Baptist churches. Even though we also publish material not written by or about Baptists, we are primarily dedicated to republishing and preserving the works of Baptist authors which explain Baptist Beliefs and record Baptist Church History. This includes the writings of English and American Baptists, General and Particular Baptists, Northern and Southern Baptists, New School and Old School or Primitive Baptists. Consequently, we produce a series of books that set forth the primary Doctrines of the Baptist Faith and a series of books that expounds and defends the particular Baptist Distinctives.

While we publish a series of books dealing with the History of Baptist churches and Baptist principles, we also produce a series that details and records the history and theology of Dissent & Nonconformity since the time of the Apostles. This series includes books dealing with the Waldensians and the Anabaptists. The material in this series spans the pre-Reformation and post-Reformation eras leading up to and through the time of the Puritans, Separatists, Congregationalists and Pilgrims, showing the relationship of these various groups to the early English Baptists.

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